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Writer's pictureLesa Ferguson

Let's Manage Those Emotions

I have always believed that separating spirituality from the rest of our lives is like shooting ourselves in the foot. Your spiritual life should be reflected in the way you run your business, the way you treat those with whom you work, and the way you treat your competitors. Honor, honesty, and integrity are essential ingredients in spiritual and material abundance.

Financial success and spirituality directly support each other when we direct our thoughts and actions appropriately. Once we begin to cultivate an attitude of continual thankfulness and gratitude, we naturally begin to look beyond ourselves and become more aware of the needs of others.

A grateful heart will bring you riches from within. If you have gratitude, you are like a bright light shining the way for others to follow. This attitude in turn leads to successful relationships, successful parenting, and successful careers. With a grateful heart you'll be successful in influencing others, and more important, you'll be successful in influencing yourself.

The obstacles that hold us back from succeeding are always internal. The key to unlocking our unlimited potential is the ability to master our emotional state.

Creating new patterns in our everyday life we can change and manage our emotions.

Here are simple tools on how to master your emotional state.

The first step is awareness

If you are not aware of the times when you are overly emotional or overreacting, how can you try to manage it? It is impossible. Start to monitor your emotions and give names to them. Sometimes we find it difficult to identify what we are feeling. Giving it a name helps us gain clarity, which is essential in moving forward.

Discover the ‘why’ of your emotions

Once you have identified how you are feeling, you want to discover why you are feeling it. What is causing this feeling inside you? Of course, there could be a million reasons, and to find out you have to ask yourself, like you would a friend, “What is wrong? What is causing me to feel this way?” Your mind will always look for an answer. Most of the time, simply the way you are thinking about the situation is causing you to feel the way you do. Another huge reason why we feel negative emotions is because our values are not present in that moment or being respected. Remember: discover the ‘why.’

Then ask yourself, “What is the solution?”

Once you have discovered why, what can you do to take back control? Sometimes you might need to change the way you are thinking about the situation. You see, your thoughts lead directly to your feelings, so if you are feeling bad, you most likely have a negative thought that is making you feel that way. If you start thinking of other possible ways of looking at the situation, you will begin to feel better immediately. What you focus on expands!

Sometimes by simply understanding why you feel a certain way at a certain time, your emotions will start to diminish because understanding always leads to calming.

Choose how you want to react

This is the hardest part. The way that we react and manage our emotions is habit. Haven’t you noticed those people who get stressed out about nothing, literally freaking out at nothing. You almost feel sorry for them. They have created a habit of associating a situation they don’t like with ‘freaking out.’ Their emotions have hijacked them.

Learning to listen to your emotions, to identify, understand and then choose them, isn’t something that you decide to practice twice a week at lunchtime. No, it is with continuous effort and discipline that you can start to build this essential skill.

Do you control your emotions, or do they really control and direct you? It isn’t easy and that’s why so many people don’t make an effort and give up. But once you are able to control your emotions, life changes for you in more ways than you ever dreamed possible. Not only will you feel way more empowered and in control in life, but you will be happier and much healthier as you won’t be stressed or weighed down so often.

As we take each experience with awareness and being present, you can transform any obstacles into possibilities.

Looking forward to connecting with you!



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